Led frontend development of features for Angular app while advising team members on best practices.
Led frontend development of features for Angular app while advising team members on best practices.
Created data-driven Angular 8 web app comparing the sizes of arenas in the video game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Developed landing page for banking app.
Maintained WordPress site + Beaver Builder front-end with a focus on responsiveness and accessibility.
Re-organized WordPress homepage theme and developed data importer.
Contributed to developing the website from an existing template.
I create websites and web apps. I enjoy learning code and how to code better...
What would we do without Raynald? I've been working with Raynald for nearly two years and we've been so incredibly lucky to have him involved. Raynald has very high standards and his leadership style is such that everyone's performance improves. He's a team leader. He's incredible with Angular, an expert in Wordpress, and he'll find the answer to any problem. I've worked with a lot of people and few are as reliable, dedicated, and proficient. So grateful.
— Ben Smilowitz, Executive Director, Disaster Accountability Project
...and I love applying what I learn for the good of others:
Raynald worked with NAMI to refine the infrastructure of our website and peer-to-peer fundraising pages, improving their overall functionality, user experience, and accessibility on all devices. I am forever grateful for his help, and highly recommend him as one of the most professional, skilled, conscientious, and detail oriented individuals I have worked with.
— Nick Emeigh, Director of Outreach and Development, NAMI Bucks County
If you're looking for someone to add some extra polish to your app, send me an email at raynald.mirville@protonmail.com. I'm open to full-time and contract roles, including through Upwork.